Strength After Divorce: Moving Forward Strong

Sign with fresh start ahead on itDivorce can feel like an ending, but it can also be a chance for a fresh start.

If you’re recently divorced or going through the separation process, here’s how you can move forward to find a renewed strength to feel better and empowered:

  • Find yourself and figure out what makes you happy and what your next steps will look like. It’s like starting a new journey.
  • Handle feelings divorce brings from sadness to relief. Talk to friends, family, or a counselor to work through them.
  • Self-care is doing things you enjoy and caring for your well-being helps you feel better.
  • Set limits if you have kids. Decide how to communicate with your ex. Straightforward rules make things easier.
  • Connect with people, reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Talking and doing things together eases loneliness.
  • Review your new financial landscape. Making a budget gives you control and security.
  • Have goals. Think about short and long-term aims. Learning new skills or trying something different gives you focus.
  • Learn new things. Now is a great time to learn. Trying a new hobby boosts confidence.
  • Stay positive, focus on the good and be grateful. Changing how you see things can help a lot.
  • Release yourself from negative feelings from the past. Forgiving yourself and your ex helps both of you move forward.
  • Step out of your comfort zone. New activities build confidence.
  • Get support and talk to divorce professionals about your feelings.

Remember, this journey is yours. Take time to heal, grow, and embrace the opportunities ahead. Each step contributes to strength and resilience, paving the way for renewed confidence and empowerment for you to experience.

When you utilize the Los Angeles Consensual Dispute Resolution Family Law Association, you can rest easier because you will know that when your divorce is finalized, each party involved, including your children, will be ready to face the future with confidence.

Call us today if you would like to learn more about how our LACFLA members can help you and your family through your divorce!

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or mental health advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, mental health or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.