Building a New Life After Divorce

new life written on road

Starting out on the journey of rebuilding your life after your divorce has been finalized can be an emotionally charged and transformative process. Regardless of your individual situation, there are certain key steps you can take to navigate this transition with resilience and grace. Engaging in a collaborative divorce process that involves the expertise of…

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What Happens to Your Pets in a Collaborative Divorce?

Dog sitting on grass

There are many things to consider when pursuing a divorce, from custody to asset division and everything in between, including how to determine the custody plan for your pets. In court divorce, the court decides on temporary pet custody plans, but at trial, the Judge is typically limited to deciding ownership. Most of the time,…

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How is Alimony Handled in a Collaborative Divorce?

Paper with the word alimony written on it with money and paper on a table

Divorce can present many emotional and financial hurdles, especially when deciding on alimony (spousal support). The collaborative divorce process is an alternative way of ending marriages without court interference – alimony is handled differently. When deciding on alimony payments during the collaborative divorce process, here are some thoughts we often share with our clients to…

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Strength After Divorce: Moving Forward Strong

Sign with fresh start ahead on it

Divorce can feel like an ending, but it can also be a chance for a fresh start. If you’re recently divorced or going through the separation process, here’s how you can move forward to find a renewed strength to feel better and empowered: Find yourself and figure out what makes you happy and what your…

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How to Keep the Peace During Your Divorce

Couple sitting down talking

When a marriage ends and divorce has been set in motion, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. But what if there was a way to divorce that didn’t involve bitter courtroom battles and endless arguments? Enter collaborative divorce – a process that offers couples a more peaceful path to separation. The…

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A Guide to Building Trust During Divorce

Puzzle piece with trust on it

by Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D. I recently spoke at the CPCal Celebration about ‘Navigating the Turbulent Waters of Divorce.’ During the conference, I focused on the importance of building trust by emphasizing transparency, consistency, follow-through, and validation. These elements are like the legs of a chair – without one, trust becomes shaky, and without…

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How to Manage Finances with Your Co-Parent

Couple managing finances

Often, divorcing couples struggle with how finances and child custody will be divided and all the costs that come along once the divorce is finalized. When married partners use a litigated court divorce, it often becomes a win-lose situation. Couples utilizing the collaborative divorce model are paired with divorce experts committed to a peaceful resolution…

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What is the Mental Health Professional Role in Collaborative Divorce?

Woman in therapy session

By Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D. When facing the complexities of divorce, emotional support is often overlooked. Collaborative divorce offers a more amicable alternative to the adversarial nature of court-litigated divorces, focusing on cooperation, understanding and emotional wellbeing. In a collaborative divorce, a mental health child life specialist, along with a divorce coach professional, plays…

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