Building a New Life After Divorce

new life written on road

Starting out on the journey of rebuilding your life after your divorce has been finalized can be an emotionally charged and transformative process. Regardless of your individual situation, there are certain key steps you can take to navigate this transition with resilience and grace. Engaging in a collaborative divorce process that involves the expertise of…

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What Happens to Your Pets in a Collaborative Divorce?

Dog sitting on grass

There are many things to consider when pursuing a divorce, from custody to asset division and everything in between, including how to determine the custody plan for your pets. In court divorce, the court decides on temporary pet custody plans, but at trial, the Judge is typically limited to deciding ownership. Most of the time,…

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Strength After Divorce: Moving Forward Strong

Sign with fresh start ahead on it

Divorce can feel like an ending, but it can also be a chance for a fresh start. If you’re recently divorced or going through the separation process, here’s how you can move forward to find a renewed strength to feel better and empowered: Find yourself and figure out what makes you happy and what your…

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What is the Mental Health Professional Role in Collaborative Divorce?

Woman in therapy session

By Dr. James E. Walton, Ph.D. When facing the complexities of divorce, emotional support is often overlooked. Collaborative divorce offers a more amicable alternative to the adversarial nature of court-litigated divorces, focusing on cooperation, understanding and emotional wellbeing. In a collaborative divorce, a mental health child life specialist, along with a divorce coach professional, plays…

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How to Make the Holidays a Happy Event After Divorce

Mother and Daughter enjoying the holidays

Approaching the first holiday post-divorce adds a layer of complexity, making it essential to offer practical suggestions to help our clients have a happy holiday. Here are some suggestions to create happy holiday experiences: Reaching out to help others can be a healing experience from your divorce. It’s “better to give than receive.” It’s very…

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How to Create a Parenting Plan to Help Your Children Through Divorce

Calendar with pen and post its

Navigating divorce while prioritizing your children’s well-being can be challenging. Collaborative divorce provides a supportive approach to creating a parenting plan that serves your children’s best interests. Here, we’ll explore essential tips for crafting a successful parenting plan during divorce, emphasizing communication, collaboration, and your children’s welfare. Child-centric approach. Child specialists and mental health experts…

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What You Should Know About a Reverse Mortgage

Calculator, money and chalk board with reverse mortgage written on it

In divorce’s intricate landscape, reverse mortgages emerge as a financial tool warranting consideration for couples utilizing the collaborative divorce process. This article will explain what reverse mortgages are and how they can smoothly fit into the collaborative divorce process. Think of it as Reverse Mortgage 101. Grasping the essence of reverse mortgages Picture a scenario…

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