How to Make the Holidays a Happy Event After Divorce

Mother and Daughter enjoying the holidaysApproaching the first holiday post-divorce adds a layer of complexity, making it essential to offer practical suggestions to help our clients have a happy holiday.

Here are some suggestions to create happy holiday experiences:

Reaching out to help others can be a healing experience from your divorce. It’s “better to give than receive.”

It’s very important to reach out to others who can help divide your grief from the divorce.  “dividing sadness and doubling happiness” can be very healing.

Allow your friends and family to help pull you up and out from the emotional rollercoaster you have been on. Doing so can release a great deal of emotions.

Being kind to yourself during the holidays, pacing yourself for attending events, and lowering your expectations for perfection can also calm your stressors.

Working with your ex ahead of the holidays to make arrangements for visitation with your children will help lower the emotional toll on all.

Consider, if possible, creating a holiday outing with you, your ex and your children. This can be very healing to all involved.

Holidays don’t have to be about that “perfect Facebook” moment. Creating holiday memories is often organic and arises without planning.

Collaboration with your ex-partner to establish a holiday-sharing plan early in the summer brings structure and routine to everyone involved and minimizes last-minute stressors.

Will your holidays be different? Absolutely, but do they have to be miserable? Absolutely not! Are they going to be awkward? Maybe. Perfect? No! But when you and your ex-spouse work through creating holiday plans, both of you can avoid a painful holiday season.

When you utilize the Los Angeles Consensual Dispute Resolution Family Law Association, you can rest easier because you will know that when your divorce is finalized, each party involved, including your children, will be ready to face the future with confidence.

Call us today if you would like to learn more about how our LACFLA members can help you and your family through your divorce!

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or mental health advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, mental health or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.