Why Include a Mental Health Professional on Your Collaborative Divorce Team?

family consulting a Mental Health ProfessionalIt’s no secret that getting divorced is emotionally difficult. So, it is vital that parents consider what their children are feeling when they decide to divorce. Conflict can have a long-lasting effect, years after the divorce is over. Research is very clear that it is not the divorce but the conflict that is harmful to children.

Respect, flexibility, and managed emotions are all important.  These qualities will benefit the parents and the children. There are no bad parents, during a divorce, only bad behaviors. This is where the “Collaborative Divorce” and an experienced mental health professional comes in.  Utilizing a mental health specialist and deciding on a collaborative divorce will lessen the trauma and heartache that oftentimes come with divorce.

Today, we are experiencing trauma at an all-time high. From the COVID 19 quarantines to social unrest, it is easy to become overwhelmed and begin behaving badly during a divorce.

A collaborative divorce team will help couples stress cooperation over confrontation and resolving things over being revengeful.  This approach is also generally not as expensive as going to court, and the couple may be able to maintain a sense of respect after the divorce.

I know you don’t want your children to be caught in the middle, so utilizing a collaborative team with a mental health professional will “up your odds” of this  NOT happening.

Reach out today to LACFLA to learn how their team of experts can help you and your spouse divorce in a respectful and dignified way.

Vi Ballard, LMFT
Mental Health Professional
3424 W. Carson St. #580
Torrance, CA 90503
(310) 373-7994